目前分類:宅心仁厚 (8)

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終於 終於 終於到了最後一個艙等 A寢台2人用個室 ツインDX 跟大家見面的時間了

讓我們馬上來看看這一個艙等的 "真相" 吧^^

Finally, finally, FINALLY! The last article of this series is going to talk about the best double room on board.



Let's go~~

不使用輔助床的固定式雙人寢台當中最豪華的一個艙等 就是它
A寢台2人用個室 ツインDX

The most luxurious double room (without using the extra mat) is the A cabin double room 「Twin DX」

A寢台2人用個室 ツインDX

          A cabin double room 「Twin DX」

廊下  The passage

艙門口的照片 左邊是衣櫃 可以看到左手邊的桌子 單人沙發椅 牆上有電視和面板等 右手邊就是固定式的上下床鋪了

Look into the compartment, the closet is at the left of the entrance, you can see the table, single sofa, TV and the control board is attach on the wall. The upper and lower bed is at the right.

空間算是滿大的 窗戶也很開闊

The space is quite large, and the window is wide enough.

扶手椅還設置了腳蹬 不錯不錯

It's really nice to have your sofa with footstool.

這就是上下鋪的設置 布條的作用 防止你滾下床^^ 沒有梯子 要怎麼上床??

The upper and lower bed, has ropes to avoid you roll yourself out of the bed, but how to get on the upper bed? Where is the ladder?


The ladder is hiding in the closet when you don't need it^^

把椅背往下放到定位 舖上床單就變成單人床了

Put down the chair back and put the sheet on, it become a comfortable bed.

另一個角度看下舖 也有面向走道的窗戶喔

There is a window can see through to the passage at the lower bed side.


The reading lamp on the bed


車門上設置的是置物空間 可以放下很多東西的樣子喔

The overhead storage is huge.

這是JR北海道編成跟JR東日本編成最大的不同之處 復古的桌燈和液晶顯示器

This is the JR HOKAIDO car, the antique lamp is different from JR Eastern car's wall lamp.

因為定員是兩個人 所以艙房一開始就是被設定成雙人房 是最適合兩人出遊的艙等吧 空間沒有被壓縮 設備也很齊全 床也是固定式的 而不是使用輔助床


這一系列的文章到此算是告一段落了 東京都上野車站----->北海道扎幌車站這個路線還有另一班高級寢台列車在行駛 也就是豪華無比的 寢台特急カシオペア (Cassiopeia 仙后座)

此外 JR西日本 大阪府新大阪車站----->北海道扎幌車站也有一班級豪華的寢台列車在運行中 這一班寢台列車就是 寢台特級トワイライトエクスプレス (Twilight Express)

所以...希望大家可以繼續支持並給予我的部落格鼓勵 雖然我不見得有辦法馬上把所有的資料便出來就是了啦...

以上 大家下次再會了^^

Because this cabin is a regular double room, this is probably the best choice for two. Passenger has enough space in the cabin, has two immovable bed in cabin, needs no extra mattress.

But to tell the true, I prefer 「Royal」

This series of articles is ended here, Tokyo to Hokkaido line has another high class luxury Pullman called 「Cassiopeia」. I'm still collecting information and photos of Cassiopeia, wish that I can l can bring you guys the new article soon.

Besides, there is a classic style luxury Pullman runs between Hokkaido and Osaka called 「Twilight Express」. But that's another story.

Anyway, thanks for everyone that came and read my articles. Thanks! Wish all of you have a lot of fun in my place, and also wish all of you can keep coming to my blog, hope you all enjoy my work!

Bye and see you all soon^^


附錄 上野到扎幌料金表 單位:日円

Payment chart


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之六要來看兩種艙等 分別是 B寢台2人用個室 デュエット以及 B寢台

首先 讓我們來瞭解一下最普通的 B寢台

No.6 No.6^^

No.6 is going to review 2 different kinds of compartments, B cabin double room 「Duet」 and 「Basic B」

Let's take a look at 「Basic B」

B寢台的車廂編成 Floor plan of "Basic B"


Basic B Open

所謂的開放型B寢台 指的是開放式的 沒有門禁系統 夜間僅以布簾隔開走道與寢台的一種設計 可以說是寢台的基本款

The Basic B Open is a basic style compartment without door to apart from the passage. It uses a curtain to separate the compartment and passage.

開放式的設計 別有一番風情

Open style compartment brings passengers back to old days.

兩兩相對的上下鋪 梯子不用的時候可以收進正中央的梯柱裡

Upper and lower bed, the ladder can fix into the ladder pillar when you don't need it.

上鋪是固定式的 白天不使用床鋪的時候 可以把床側的欄桿折收到床下

Immovable upper bed, lower bed has a foldable railing can be folded under the bed when you use the lower bed as a chair in the daytime.

床鋪狀態 欄桿伸出來了 床上有枕頭 棉被 毛巾 浴衣 衣架設備供使用 床邊則有拖鞋

Lower bed with the railing, there is a bedquilt, pillow, towel and a cloth hanger on the bed.

上鋪的設置 布條的功能同下鋪的欄桿

Upper bed, same setting with the lower bed, these ropes are uses to avoid you roll yourself out of the bed^^

看不太清楚 但是窗邊的梯子已經向中間折收到梯柱裡了 可以看到收放用的把手 窗邊的桌子使用空間有限 靠走到這一側的桌子 不用的時候可以向外折收進牆上的凹格子裡

You probably can't see clearly in this picture, but the ladder is already fixed into the ladder pillar, you can barely see the ladder handle from here. The table next to the window is kind of small, and the side table is foldable, you can fold it into the wall when you don't need it.

走廊上有下掀式的坐位 在每一個艙口都有設置

Foldable chairs at the passage side.

這就是開放式的B寢台 男生一群人抱著畢業旅行的氣氛用這種寢台想必非常開心吧^^

Use the 「Basic B」 with a group of friends feels like having your senior trip again^^


Basic B Compact

今年三月統合減便之後 全個室化的產物 以B寢台為基礎 在每一艙加上強化玻璃製的門以及四碼電子密碼鎖 使B寢台成為一個完整的四人臥艙

Basic on the 「Basic B Open」, fix with the tempered glass door and a four-digi number lock, the 「Basic B」 became a full secure compartment.


Tempered glass door.

密碼鎖  Number lock.

內部的陳設並沒有明顯的改變 仍然是維持原來的B寢台型式

但是如果遇到車廂進廠維修 就會掛回原本的開放式寢台車廂 出發前別忘了確認車廂型式喔^^

Inside of the Basic B Compact is still the same Basic B, don't forget to check the Pullman type before book in.



B寢台2人用個室 デュエット

          B Cabin double room 「Duet」

和ソロ相同 分為上下段 但是因為北海道和東日本使用同樣的編成 內部陳設和配色也幾乎相同 所以不再分成兩部份介紹

Like the 「solo」, the 「Duet」 has upper and lower two different type, and the JR Eastern Japan Pullman and the JR Hokkaido Pullman are almost the same in the decoration, so we're going to reviewing them together in this article.

君的車廂編成  floor plan of "Duet"

下段的房型 可以看到窗戶相當的低矮 窗戶上設有鏡子 (會不會太高了點?) 床邊可以看到床頭燈 北海道編成使用的是固定式的床頭櫃

Lower compartment, the window is low, there is a mirror setting above the window (you gotta be really tall). You can see a reading lamp by the bed side. JR Hokkaido type uses the fixed side table.

有可折收的扶手 東日本編成使用的是摺疊式的床邊桌 控制介面設置在窗子的兩側

Foldable armrest. Foldable side table (JR Eastern Japan). Lighting controls are setting by the window side.

上面凸出來的東西 其實是上段的床

Protruding things above are beds of upper compartment.

頭部的空間不太高 但是應該很夠用了

Head space is not tall but enough.

上段艙房 可以看到弧形的窗戶設置 桌子下方牆上的東西是菸灰缸

Upper compartment has a curve window. Ashtray is under the side table.

入口以及樓梯 還有床上的寢具 浴衣 衣架等

Entrance and stairway, the bed setting is the same with all of B cabin.

左側控制電燈開關和暖房 (暖氣)

Lighting and AC controls are at the left.


BGM control is setting at the right.


整體來說 這兩種房型適合不一樣的人數 但是由於一個人分攤的價格相同 可以和之前提到的ソロ搭配 適合人數稍多的小團體 或是有單數的人數搭配使用

下一次是要聊的是A寢台2人用個室 ツインDX 敬請期待嚕

Next article is the reviewing of A Cabin double room 「Twin DX」, stay tune!!



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再來要看的是雙人房了 其實他是一間單人房加床 但是我覺得他非常適合兩個女性一起使用

Let's take a look at the double room. Its actually a single room with extra bed and its really nice for two girls traveling together.


但是如果你像我一樣 是胖子 建議你還是一個人住這間房就好了(^-^)

But if you have a big, fat ass like I do, go get another room, don't torture your girlfriend.



Mark on the Pullman.



Passage looks.


A寢台1人用個室 ロイヤル (車両擔當:JR東日本)

             A cabin single room 「Royal」 (operating by JR Eastern)


這是房卡  The key card of the room.

使用房卡的門禁裝置  It uses a key card lock.

由門口看到車內的樣子 就算是四個人在裡面抬槓也不會顯得擁擠

The room looks from the out side, nice living room for a whole family or a group of 4.

一個人使用 鋪床的狀態 床下稍微身出來的部分是加床所用的床墊

Use as a single bed, the protruded mat under the bed is a extra bed.

Welcome Drinks 迎賓飲料 內容有白酒 威士忌 罐裝茶 礦泉水和冰桶

The welcome drinks set with wine, whisky, bottled tea and mineral water.


椅子的上方有一張桌子 和餐廳直通的電話 液晶電視 窗戶的下面是一張小型的摺疊邊桌 桌子的左邊是衛浴設備 電話可以用來叫客房服務 是不是很周到啊

There is a table, phone which is links to the café, a LCD TV, there is a foldable side table under the window. The shower/toilet is next to the table. You can call the room service in the room.

邊桌和各種控制面板 邊桌下有一盞夜燈

Side table and controls, there is a foot step light under the side table.

電子鍾 緊急按鈕 空調開關 房內所有燈光的開關 音樂的控制面板

Clock, emergency button, AC control, lighting control and the BGM control.

桌子和窗子的中間 還有一個小小的衣櫃 高度可以掛上大衣不成問題

There is a closet, its tall enough for your overcoat.

單人床全景  Single bed.


When you pull out the extra mat.

舖上床單 睡兩個人綽綽有餘

Put the sheet on and become a nice double bed.

衛浴設備的內部  Here is the shower/toilet.

向下拉開式的馬桶和洗手台 淋浴或是不需要的時候可以收起來

Foldable toilet and wash basin. You can fold them when you don't need them.

淋浴的設備 當單人房的時候只有十分鍾的熱水 如果晚上洗過 早上也想來個晨浴 可得斟酌著用

The shower, the hot water will come out for only 10 minutes when you use the room as a single room. If you wanna take a morning shower, use it carefully at night^^

門的旁邊有鏡子和吹風機 女生一定很需要這個東西吧

Next to the door there is a hair dryer and a mirror. Girls, they have dryers!!

這個房間裡面有插座 可以用來替你的電腦 相機 手機 ipod psp nds等等東西充電

This level's room has socket on board, you can use it to charge your laptop, camera, cell phone, ipod, psp, nds and whatever you have.

以火車的車廂來說 這傢伙真是豪華到不行啊>////<

As a Pullman, this guy is really luxurious^.<


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接下來 重點來了 聊寢台列車沒看到寢台 算甚麼英雄好漢

按照我家的家族編成 扣掉我爸爸在大陸不回來 我媽媽和妹妹如果跟我一起去的話

我們會需要一間單人房以及一間雙人房 來吧 來看看單人房先吧~~

由於北斗星號由JR東日本和JR北海道共同負責維護 在車籍上1車到6車由JR北海道所有 7到11車則由JR東日本所有 因此同級的寢室也有著不同的室內配置和特色

Talking about the Pullman without its compartment is very unreasonable. Because the compartment is the must important part of a Pullman.


Let's take a look at the single compartment.


The HOKUTOSEI Express is joint operating by JR Eastern Japan and JR HOKAIDO, even if the same level room could have different setting. Car No. 1 to No. 6 is holding by JR HOKAIDO, and car No. 7 to car No. 11 is belonging to JR Eastern Japan.

B寢台1人用個室 ソロ(6號車:JR北海道擔當車)

             B cabin single room 「Solo」 (Car No. 6, holding by JR HOKAIDO)


This is the floor plan of car No. 6

上段車廂的窗戶 旁邊是閱讀燈 下方可以看到摺疊桌和音樂燈光的控制面板

Upper cabin's window, reading lamp is next to the window, the foldable table and the lighting control is attach on the wall under the window.

由於樓梯式設置在個室裡面 所以內部的活動空間比較受到壓縮 這裡可以看到設置在摺疊桌下的夜燈

Cuz the stairway is setting in the cabin, so the floor space is kind of small. You can see there is a foot step light under the foldable table.

床位的全景 中間凸出來的東西是扶手只有一隻 把床當椅子的時候用的 可以收起來

Bed with sheet. The stick on the wall is a foldable armrest. Only one armrest were attached.

從個室最裡面往外看 床的左手邊是下樓的樓梯 上面是置物空間

The cabin looks from inside. Stairway is right next to bed.


B寢台1人用個室 ソロ(9號車:JR東日本擔當車)

             B cabin single room 「Solo」 (Car No. 9, holding by JR Eastern Japan)


The floor plan of car No. 9

和JR北海道的SOLO不同 樓梯位於個室外 所以室內的空間比較寬敞

The stairway is setting outside of the cabin makes this room's floor space much bigger then the JR HOKAIDO's Solo.

窗邊的樣子 窗戶有一部份朝上 晚上躺下來可以看到天上的星星 左邊由上到下分別是吊衣掛勾 燈光面板 置物空間 床邊可以看到腳燈

The window, because of the window's shape, passenger can lie down and see the starring sky. The cloth hanger, lighting control and the luggage space is setting at the different place. Under the bed is a foot step light.

由最內側看過去可以看到摺疊桌 壁燈 閱讀燈 椅背靠墊 JR東日本的椅背靠墊扶手有左右兩隻

Folding table, light and reading lamp. You have 2 armrests here^^


It looks like this when you open the window.

桌子的左邊是菸灰缸 下面是垃圾桶 車內只有餐廳 客廳及1號車禁菸 這一點和台鐵的全面禁菸不同(雖然大家還是會自己去找地方抽菸就是了)

Ashtray is next to the folding table, under is the trash can. You can smoke in the cabin, but not the public space. Don't forget that^^

要我選的話 我會選JR東日本的SOLO 空間比較餘裕的感覺^^

但是要注意的是 這房間裡面沒有插座 所以你的電腦 相機 手機 ipod psp nds可得充過電再上車啊

If you want me to choose, I would say that I prefer the JR Eastern's solo, bigger is better lo.

Remember in this level's cabin has no socket on board, don't forget to charge your leptop, ipod, digital camera, cellphone and your psp before aboard.


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光看餐廳 可能沒有辦法想像在車上用餐的感覺 所以接下來要來看餐廳的提供的食物了

北斗星的餐車所提供的餐點有兩種 日式的套餐和法式的套餐

由於晚餐屬於完全預約制 所以買票的時候要順便記得預約晚餐喔

its probably hard to imagine what does it feels like of having dinner on a train without the image of food. so let's take a look at the food.

the restaurand on board served two kinds of course, japanese course and french course. and the dinner needs to be reserved, so don't forget to taka a reservation when you booking the ticket.

懐石御膳 kaiseki course(5,500円)

懐石御膳看起來就是日式的晚餐 在餐廳供餐的三個時段只有最早的一個時段供應

japanese style course, it only served at the first period of dinner hours.

フランス料理コース french course(7,800円)


這是前菜的 ホタテとカニのサラダ 貝柱螃蟹沙拉 看起來很好吃 尤其是上面的鮭魚卵 真吸引人

escallop and crab salad, it looks really good, especiall the salmon eggs on it.

魚料理 ヒラメの湯葉包み蒸し 蒸豆皮包比目魚 應該是日式法國菜吧 法國人有在吃豆皮嗎?

fish plate, steamed flatfish with bean curd sheet. a ben curd sheet in french?

主菜 牛フィレ肉のソテー 煎牛腰內肉佐醬汁 愛吃肉的人應該很開心看到這一道菜上桌吧

main dish, roast tenderloin with sauce, meat!!!!!!!!

甜點 アイスクリームとフルーツ 冰淇淋佐水果

dessert, ice cream and fruit

プチパン 小餐包 沒記錯的話 プチ是一點點的意思

bread and butter


dinner ticket


晚餐時間結束之後 餐廳搖身一變成為 パブ  也就是 PUB

after the dinner hours, the restaurand become a pub

晚上可以在這裡喝兩杯喔 也有吃的東西可以點 而且不需要事前預約喔

serve alcohols and night snacks, need no reservations

パブ料理 night snacks

ビーフシチューセット(2,500円) スープ・サラダ・コーヒー付き

燉牛肉套餐 附餐包 湯 沙拉和咖啡或茶 這價錢和剛剛的法式套餐也差太多了><

beef stew set served with bread, soup, salad and coffee, this set has all i need for dinner...


北海的海鮮奶油義大利麵 看起來很正點 份量也夠大

hokkai no sachi cream spaghetti. the size is huge^^


北海道的香腸拼盤 下酒一定很過癮吧

hokaido sausage set, someone get me a beer please>///<

說起來 晚上營業的PUB所提供的餐點 看起來正點 比起晚餐又不貴...那...我幹嘛去晚餐時間吃啊


why the night snack looks better than the dinner course? and aslo cheaper?


looks like the most expensive thing is the mood><



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在車上待這麼長的時間 一定會肚子餓 在台灣 大概就是買個鐵路便當解決

但是車上如果有餐車 那又是另外一番不同的風情了

it is impossible that staying on board for over 16 hours and not getting hungry. usually, we'll get a lunch box or instant food. but if you have a nice restaurant with decent food, whose ganna eat lunch box?

食堂車 グランシャリオ  restaurant "GRAND CHARIOT"

食堂車的平面圖 最多可以同時容納28個人

the floor plan of the restaurant cart, available to serve 28 person at the same time

餐廳的名字叫作 GRAND CHARIOT 由JR東日本負責提供服務及維護

restaurant "GRAND CHARIOT", provide service by JR Eastern.


outward appearance

餐廳入口上 寫著食堂兩個字

entrance; "食堂" means "cafe"


the daytime restaurant


table for four

夜間的景觀 看起來是不是很有情調呢 好一個適合約會的地方

restaurant in the night, nice place for a date


the lighting on the ceiling, classic

兩人桌的配置 桌上除了餐具之外 還有一盞古意盎然的小檯燈...有在賣嗎?

table for two, i like that lamp, where can i get one?

廚房的樣子 在這麼狹窄的空間 還在搖晃的車廂裡 作菜的廚師真是了不起

kitchen, hey chef, can you tell me how to cook on the train without cutting your hand?

用餐時間之外也具備商店的功能 好想吃吃看車上的便當是什麼感覺喔

it is also a shop when its out of serve, those meal box looks good, isn't it?


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話說這列車真的太酷了 酷到連我這個不是鐵道宅的阿宅 都哈到不行

接下來咱就來看圖說故事 好好的來看看這列車的外觀和公共空間

this train is so cool that makes me wanna become a train OTAKU

let's take a look at the out look and public spaces on board

兩種不同的車頭型式 但是好像還會在外掛柴油動力車頭以增加拉力的樣子

我不是鐵道宅 不要問我型號 我不曉得^^

two different types of locomotive, don't ask me the model number, i'm not a train OTAKU

這是車身上的標誌 看起來亂有霸氣一把的


lines on the badge "SAPPORO TOKYO" "JR HOKAIDO" and "HOKUTOSEI"


public space

客廳車 lounge

客廳車算是除了餐廳之外 車上最大的公共空間

lounge cart is the second large public space on this train

裡面的設置有一排靠窗的沙發作和茶几 另外一排則是面對窗戶的景觀座 可以看到窗外的風景

with sofa, table, and chair, you can relex and watch the view here

另一個角度看過去 可以看到牆面上的電視 電視旁的透明拉門則是公共電話

another angle of the lounge, there is a telephone box next to the entrance


also has a vending machine on board

淋浴室 shower room

客廳車的旁邊就是淋浴室 畢竟是要在車上過夜的 當然有個地方洗個澡是件好事

shower room is next to the lounge, shower before sleep is very important for me


entrance; light signals and hair dryers


shower time^^

淋浴間使用磁卡 每張磁卡可以使用六分鍾的熱水 中途可以暫停 但是熱水總共只會只會出來六分鍾

the shower on board is not for free, you have to pay for the shower card for a six minutes hot shower. the shower timer can be paused, and you can stay in the shower as long as you want, but the hot water will come out only for six minutes.

這是淋浴用的磁卡 上面有指定時段 白天也可以使用

the shower card, it has assign period of time on it.

個人的衛浴用品在餐車也有販賣 有一條毛巾 洗髮精 沐浴乳和一條毛巾

shower kit with a towel, shampoo, conditioner, and body washer.

六分鍾的熱水對男生來說是夠用了 而且可以暫停 所以其實也是可以慢慢來的

但是水量對女生來說夠不夠 這我就不曉得了

six minutes of hot water is enough for me, but i'm not so sure if it is enough for girls.

is it enough for you??



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話說 大家都搭過火車 就算沒搭過火車 最起碼也看過火車 我也很喜歡搭火車出遊

在台灣 有很多人是靠著火車通勤 也有很多赴外地工作的遊子 是靠著火車返鄉與親人團聚的

尤其近年來台灣高鐵的建設 更促使狹長的台灣 形成南北往返便捷的 "一日生活圈"...

但是說到台灣的火車 畢竟不太可能搭到8個小時以上 真的有的話大概也是自己想不開


記得小時候看到歐洲的電影 常常會看到臥鋪車廂出現的情結 那種旅行的方式真的讓人十分的嚮往

所以我就要開始在這個部落格裡 寫下我所肖想不已的臥鋪列車系列

這一次預計以4篇文章來介紹往返日本東京的上野車站 及北海道札幌車站的寢台列車

JR北海道・JR東日本 24系客車 寝台特急「北斗星」


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