想了很久 也計劃了很久 終於在1010日國慶日 白白蘭德和好朋友宅鳥蘭德 乘著火車 踏上了行駛於北迴鐵路的區間車 今天 我們要流浪到福隆 去尋找記憶中的鐵路便當 看看十年過去了 記憶中當年在月台叫賣的鐵路便當 是不是還保留著我所懷念的味道


I've been thinking and planning having a train trip for a long long time, finally, my friend Joel and I have our break together on 10th October. Today we are going to taking the slowest train, self exile to Fulong, to find a 50 NT. Dollar meal box and see if the taste is still remain the same as 10 years ago.



這是台北火車站的紀念品小店 台鐵本舖 販賣很多和鐵路相關的紀念品

This is Taiwan Railways' official souvenir shop 「台鐵本舖」(tai tie ben pu) You can find a lot of souvenirs related to the Taiwan Railways.


像是門口的這些木質明信片 (60)


Like these wooden postcard (60 NT. Dollars)


隔壁是販賣台鐵自製便當的賣店 便當本舖 今天因為是假日 所以只供應排骨便當 (60) 我小時候每次坐火車都一定吵著要爸媽買一個給我吃


Next to the souvenir shop is the concession stand 「便當本舖」 (bian dang ben pu) selling 「排骨便當」 (pai gu bian dang, 60 NT. Dollars, provided by TRA Food and Travel service.)




This is the TRA 「排骨便當


菜色有排骨(pai gu, pork chop) 滷蛋(lu dan, egg stewed with soy sauce) 青菜(qing chi, green vegetables) 油豆腐(you dou fu, fried bean curd) 蘿蔔乾(luo bo gan, dried daikon)




This is the train we are going to take today^^




Look at this crowd


瑞芳站 很多觀光客在這一站下車 但是我們還沒有要下


Rueifang station, lots of passengers got off at this station, but not us.


當班車抵達貢寮的時候 開始下起雨來


It started raining when the train reaches Gongliao station.







Fulong station^^ look at that bian dong girl, she is selling bian dong at the platform just like what they did in the old days.





Look! How many passengers having their bian dong in the station, you won't see this at other station, only Fulong^^





Some says this is the oldest bian dong restaurant in the Fulong area.


it says "no photo in the restaurent... whatever@@




看看這人潮 全是為了便當來的><


Look at the crowd! They are all line up for that 55 NT. Dollar bian dong!!</</body>

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