
話說這列車真的太酷了 酷到連我這個不是鐵道宅的阿宅 都哈到不行

接下來咱就來看圖說故事 好好的來看看這列車的外觀和公共空間

this train is so cool that makes me wanna become a train OTAKU

let's take a look at the out look and public spaces on board

兩種不同的車頭型式 但是好像還會在外掛柴油動力車頭以增加拉力的樣子

我不是鐵道宅 不要問我型號 我不曉得^^

two different types of locomotive, don't ask me the model number, i'm not a train OTAKU

這是車身上的標誌 看起來亂有霸氣一把的


lines on the badge "SAPPORO TOKYO" "JR HOKAIDO" and "HOKUTOSEI"


public space

客廳車 lounge

客廳車算是除了餐廳之外 車上最大的公共空間

lounge cart is the second large public space on this train

裡面的設置有一排靠窗的沙發作和茶几 另外一排則是面對窗戶的景觀座 可以看到窗外的風景

with sofa, table, and chair, you can relex and watch the view here

另一個角度看過去 可以看到牆面上的電視 電視旁的透明拉門則是公共電話

another angle of the lounge, there is a telephone box next to the entrance


also has a vending machine on board

淋浴室 shower room

客廳車的旁邊就是淋浴室 畢竟是要在車上過夜的 當然有個地方洗個澡是件好事

shower room is next to the lounge, shower before sleep is very important for me


entrance; light signals and hair dryers


shower time^^

淋浴間使用磁卡 每張磁卡可以使用六分鍾的熱水 中途可以暫停 但是熱水總共只會只會出來六分鍾

the shower on board is not for free, you have to pay for the shower card for a six minutes hot shower. the shower timer can be paused, and you can stay in the shower as long as you want, but the hot water will come out only for six minutes.

這是淋浴用的磁卡 上面有指定時段 白天也可以使用

the shower card, it has assign period of time on it.

個人的衛浴用品在餐車也有販賣 有一條毛巾 洗髮精 沐浴乳和一條毛巾

shower kit with a towel, shampoo, conditioner, and body washer.

六分鍾的熱水對男生來說是夠用了 而且可以暫停 所以其實也是可以慢慢來的

但是水量對女生來說夠不夠 這我就不曉得了

six minutes of hot water is enough for me, but i'm not so sure if it is enough for girls.

is it enough for you??




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