
再來要看的是雙人房了 其實他是一間單人房加床 但是我覺得他非常適合兩個女性一起使用

Let's take a look at the double room. Its actually a single room with extra bed and its really nice for two girls traveling together.


但是如果你像我一樣 是胖子 建議你還是一個人住這間房就好了(^-^)

But if you have a big, fat ass like I do, go get another room, don't torture your girlfriend.



Mark on the Pullman.



Passage looks.


A寢台1人用個室 ロイヤル (車両擔當:JR東日本)

             A cabin single room 「Royal」 (operating by JR Eastern)


這是房卡  The key card of the room.

使用房卡的門禁裝置  It uses a key card lock.

由門口看到車內的樣子 就算是四個人在裡面抬槓也不會顯得擁擠

The room looks from the out side, nice living room for a whole family or a group of 4.

一個人使用 鋪床的狀態 床下稍微身出來的部分是加床所用的床墊

Use as a single bed, the protruded mat under the bed is a extra bed.

Welcome Drinks 迎賓飲料 內容有白酒 威士忌 罐裝茶 礦泉水和冰桶

The welcome drinks set with wine, whisky, bottled tea and mineral water.


椅子的上方有一張桌子 和餐廳直通的電話 液晶電視 窗戶的下面是一張小型的摺疊邊桌 桌子的左邊是衛浴設備 電話可以用來叫客房服務 是不是很周到啊

There is a table, phone which is links to the café, a LCD TV, there is a foldable side table under the window. The shower/toilet is next to the table. You can call the room service in the room.

邊桌和各種控制面板 邊桌下有一盞夜燈

Side table and controls, there is a foot step light under the side table.

電子鍾 緊急按鈕 空調開關 房內所有燈光的開關 音樂的控制面板

Clock, emergency button, AC control, lighting control and the BGM control.

桌子和窗子的中間 還有一個小小的衣櫃 高度可以掛上大衣不成問題

There is a closet, its tall enough for your overcoat.

單人床全景  Single bed.


When you pull out the extra mat.

舖上床單 睡兩個人綽綽有餘

Put the sheet on and become a nice double bed.

衛浴設備的內部  Here is the shower/toilet.

向下拉開式的馬桶和洗手台 淋浴或是不需要的時候可以收起來

Foldable toilet and wash basin. You can fold them when you don't need them.

淋浴的設備 當單人房的時候只有十分鍾的熱水 如果晚上洗過 早上也想來個晨浴 可得斟酌著用

The shower, the hot water will come out for only 10 minutes when you use the room as a single room. If you wanna take a morning shower, use it carefully at night^^

門的旁邊有鏡子和吹風機 女生一定很需要這個東西吧

Next to the door there is a hair dryer and a mirror. Girls, they have dryers!!

這個房間裡面有插座 可以用來替你的電腦 相機 手機 ipod psp nds等等東西充電

This level's room has socket on board, you can use it to charge your laptop, camera, cell phone, ipod, psp, nds and whatever you have.

以火車的車廂來說 這傢伙真是豪華到不行啊>////<

As a Pullman, this guy is really luxurious^.<



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