
接下來 重點來了 聊寢台列車沒看到寢台 算甚麼英雄好漢

按照我家的家族編成 扣掉我爸爸在大陸不回來 我媽媽和妹妹如果跟我一起去的話

我們會需要一間單人房以及一間雙人房 來吧 來看看單人房先吧~~

由於北斗星號由JR東日本和JR北海道共同負責維護 在車籍上1車到6車由JR北海道所有 7到11車則由JR東日本所有 因此同級的寢室也有著不同的室內配置和特色

Talking about the Pullman without its compartment is very unreasonable. Because the compartment is the must important part of a Pullman.


Let's take a look at the single compartment.


The HOKUTOSEI Express is joint operating by JR Eastern Japan and JR HOKAIDO, even if the same level room could have different setting. Car No. 1 to No. 6 is holding by JR HOKAIDO, and car No. 7 to car No. 11 is belonging to JR Eastern Japan.

B寢台1人用個室 ソロ(6號車:JR北海道擔當車)

             B cabin single room 「Solo」 (Car No. 6, holding by JR HOKAIDO)


This is the floor plan of car No. 6

上段車廂的窗戶 旁邊是閱讀燈 下方可以看到摺疊桌和音樂燈光的控制面板

Upper cabin's window, reading lamp is next to the window, the foldable table and the lighting control is attach on the wall under the window.

由於樓梯式設置在個室裡面 所以內部的活動空間比較受到壓縮 這裡可以看到設置在摺疊桌下的夜燈

Cuz the stairway is setting in the cabin, so the floor space is kind of small. You can see there is a foot step light under the foldable table.

床位的全景 中間凸出來的東西是扶手只有一隻 把床當椅子的時候用的 可以收起來

Bed with sheet. The stick on the wall is a foldable armrest. Only one armrest were attached.

從個室最裡面往外看 床的左手邊是下樓的樓梯 上面是置物空間

The cabin looks from inside. Stairway is right next to bed.


B寢台1人用個室 ソロ(9號車:JR東日本擔當車)

             B cabin single room 「Solo」 (Car No. 9, holding by JR Eastern Japan)


The floor plan of car No. 9

和JR北海道的SOLO不同 樓梯位於個室外 所以室內的空間比較寬敞

The stairway is setting outside of the cabin makes this room's floor space much bigger then the JR HOKAIDO's Solo.

窗邊的樣子 窗戶有一部份朝上 晚上躺下來可以看到天上的星星 左邊由上到下分別是吊衣掛勾 燈光面板 置物空間 床邊可以看到腳燈

The window, because of the window's shape, passenger can lie down and see the starring sky. The cloth hanger, lighting control and the luggage space is setting at the different place. Under the bed is a foot step light.

由最內側看過去可以看到摺疊桌 壁燈 閱讀燈 椅背靠墊 JR東日本的椅背靠墊扶手有左右兩隻

Folding table, light and reading lamp. You have 2 armrests here^^


It looks like this when you open the window.

桌子的左邊是菸灰缸 下面是垃圾桶 車內只有餐廳 客廳及1號車禁菸 這一點和台鐵的全面禁菸不同(雖然大家還是會自己去找地方抽菸就是了)

Ashtray is next to the folding table, under is the trash can. You can smoke in the cabin, but not the public space. Don't forget that^^

要我選的話 我會選JR東日本的SOLO 空間比較餘裕的感覺^^

但是要注意的是 這房間裡面沒有插座 所以你的電腦 相機 手機 ipod psp nds可得充過電再上車啊

If you want me to choose, I would say that I prefer the JR Eastern's solo, bigger is better lo.

Remember in this level's cabin has no socket on board, don't forget to charge your leptop, ipod, digital camera, cellphone and your psp before aboard.



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