
在車上待這麼長的時間 一定會肚子餓 在台灣 大概就是買個鐵路便當解決

但是車上如果有餐車 那又是另外一番不同的風情了

it is impossible that staying on board for over 16 hours and not getting hungry. usually, we'll get a lunch box or instant food. but if you have a nice restaurant with decent food, whose ganna eat lunch box?

食堂車 グランシャリオ  restaurant "GRAND CHARIOT"

食堂車的平面圖 最多可以同時容納28個人

the floor plan of the restaurant cart, available to serve 28 person at the same time

餐廳的名字叫作 GRAND CHARIOT 由JR東日本負責提供服務及維護

restaurant "GRAND CHARIOT", provide service by JR Eastern.


outward appearance

餐廳入口上 寫著食堂兩個字

entrance; "食堂" means "cafe"


the daytime restaurant


table for four

夜間的景觀 看起來是不是很有情調呢 好一個適合約會的地方

restaurant in the night, nice place for a date


the lighting on the ceiling, classic

兩人桌的配置 桌上除了餐具之外 還有一盞古意盎然的小檯燈...有在賣嗎?

table for two, i like that lamp, where can i get one?

廚房的樣子 在這麼狹窄的空間 還在搖晃的車廂裡 作菜的廚師真是了不起

kitchen, hey chef, can you tell me how to cook on the train without cutting your hand?

用餐時間之外也具備商店的功能 好想吃吃看車上的便當是什麼感覺喔

it is also a shop when its out of serve, those meal box looks good, isn't it?



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