

之六要來看兩種艙等 分別是 B寢台2人用個室 デュエット以及 B寢台

首先 讓我們來瞭解一下最普通的 B寢台

No.6 No.6^^

No.6 is going to review 2 different kinds of compartments, B cabin double room 「Duet」 and 「Basic B」

Let's take a look at 「Basic B」

B寢台的車廂編成 Floor plan of "Basic B"


Basic B Open

所謂的開放型B寢台 指的是開放式的 沒有門禁系統 夜間僅以布簾隔開走道與寢台的一種設計 可以說是寢台的基本款

The Basic B Open is a basic style compartment without door to apart from the passage. It uses a curtain to separate the compartment and passage.

開放式的設計 別有一番風情

Open style compartment brings passengers back to old days.

兩兩相對的上下鋪 梯子不用的時候可以收進正中央的梯柱裡

Upper and lower bed, the ladder can fix into the ladder pillar when you don't need it.

上鋪是固定式的 白天不使用床鋪的時候 可以把床側的欄桿折收到床下

Immovable upper bed, lower bed has a foldable railing can be folded under the bed when you use the lower bed as a chair in the daytime.

床鋪狀態 欄桿伸出來了 床上有枕頭 棉被 毛巾 浴衣 衣架設備供使用 床邊則有拖鞋

Lower bed with the railing, there is a bedquilt, pillow, towel and a cloth hanger on the bed.

上鋪的設置 布條的功能同下鋪的欄桿

Upper bed, same setting with the lower bed, these ropes are uses to avoid you roll yourself out of the bed^^

看不太清楚 但是窗邊的梯子已經向中間折收到梯柱裡了 可以看到收放用的把手 窗邊的桌子使用空間有限 靠走到這一側的桌子 不用的時候可以向外折收進牆上的凹格子裡

You probably can't see clearly in this picture, but the ladder is already fixed into the ladder pillar, you can barely see the ladder handle from here. The table next to the window is kind of small, and the side table is foldable, you can fold it into the wall when you don't need it.

走廊上有下掀式的坐位 在每一個艙口都有設置

Foldable chairs at the passage side.

這就是開放式的B寢台 男生一群人抱著畢業旅行的氣氛用這種寢台想必非常開心吧^^

Use the 「Basic B」 with a group of friends feels like having your senior trip again^^


Basic B Compact

今年三月統合減便之後 全個室化的產物 以B寢台為基礎 在每一艙加上強化玻璃製的門以及四碼電子密碼鎖 使B寢台成為一個完整的四人臥艙

Basic on the 「Basic B Open」, fix with the tempered glass door and a four-digi number lock, the 「Basic B」 became a full secure compartment.


Tempered glass door.

密碼鎖  Number lock.

內部的陳設並沒有明顯的改變 仍然是維持原來的B寢台型式

但是如果遇到車廂進廠維修 就會掛回原本的開放式寢台車廂 出發前別忘了確認車廂型式喔^^

Inside of the Basic B Compact is still the same Basic B, don't forget to check the Pullman type before book in.



B寢台2人用個室 デュエット

          B Cabin double room 「Duet」

和ソロ相同 分為上下段 但是因為北海道和東日本使用同樣的編成 內部陳設和配色也幾乎相同 所以不再分成兩部份介紹

Like the 「solo」, the 「Duet」 has upper and lower two different type, and the JR Eastern Japan Pullman and the JR Hokkaido Pullman are almost the same in the decoration, so we're going to reviewing them together in this article.

君的車廂編成  floor plan of "Duet"

下段的房型 可以看到窗戶相當的低矮 窗戶上設有鏡子 (會不會太高了點?) 床邊可以看到床頭燈 北海道編成使用的是固定式的床頭櫃

Lower compartment, the window is low, there is a mirror setting above the window (you gotta be really tall). You can see a reading lamp by the bed side. JR Hokkaido type uses the fixed side table.

有可折收的扶手 東日本編成使用的是摺疊式的床邊桌 控制介面設置在窗子的兩側

Foldable armrest. Foldable side table (JR Eastern Japan). Lighting controls are setting by the window side.

上面凸出來的東西 其實是上段的床

Protruding things above are beds of upper compartment.

頭部的空間不太高 但是應該很夠用了

Head space is not tall but enough.

上段艙房 可以看到弧形的窗戶設置 桌子下方牆上的東西是菸灰缸

Upper compartment has a curve window. Ashtray is under the side table.

入口以及樓梯 還有床上的寢具 浴衣 衣架等

Entrance and stairway, the bed setting is the same with all of B cabin.

左側控制電燈開關和暖房 (暖氣)

Lighting and AC controls are at the left.


BGM control is setting at the right.


整體來說 這兩種房型適合不一樣的人數 但是由於一個人分攤的價格相同 可以和之前提到的ソロ搭配 適合人數稍多的小團體 或是有單數的人數搭配使用

下一次是要聊的是A寢台2人用個室 ツインDX 敬請期待嚕

Next article is the reviewing of A Cabin double room 「Twin DX」, stay tune!!



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